Sunday, May 20, 2012

Funny, Funny, Fat Things Part 2

Julian is best friends with my sister's little girl, Penny. They're always looking out for each other and Penny is happy to play Power Rangers--she just wants to be the pink one. Because they get along so well, Katie and I get them together a lot (which gives me a break from being Pink Power Ranger.  Although, I really look awesome in my pink high waisted shorts and midriff shirt).

 One day when I was getting the kids in the car to take Penny back home, I was buckling her into her booster seat when she patted my chest and said, "Jaynie, you have boobies." (Look what Katie teaches her kids!)
Surprised, but not really, I said, "Yes I do."
"Because all mommies have boobies." Penny stated, matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, but my mommy's are SO big." came Julian, deciding to join the conversation.
Then Penny, "But my mommy's are not so big. They're just little."
Then Julian, "But my mommy's are SO big."

Which reminded me of the time I left a highlighted verse of Solomon's Song on Katie's bed in high school.  Chapter 8, verse 8: "We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?"
 I also left a biology text book open to a page with the male anatomy on it for her.  Twice.  (I was always looking out for her!)

Unfortunately, if you inserted "love handles" in place of "boobies" in the conversation, it would still hold true.  I'm thanking heaven that Solomon left out the older sisters verses!


Sarah Burgoyne said...

Oh Jayne, you make me laugh :) My girls comment on my large chest all the time. I love reading about your relationship with your sister. When one of my sisters was little she got a big scrape across one half of her chest. I told her she wouldn't grow on that side. She was devistated for days that she "wouldn't be able to feed her twins" until my mom set her (and me) straight :)

Megan said...

love this blog. kids are hysterical and sister teasing never ever gets old.

ali said...

always smuggling peas, jayne. they are probably lower now, but still there.

jiss said...

I remember when we were little we would be in the tub together and you would tell me how big your dads penis was - thinking back, you probably had only seen 2 and compared to mine it was big. You all have blessed genes in the D+L Clark family!

jayne wells said...

And that is why I chose Ali out of a mass of people in college to be my best friend.

jayne wells said...

OH my gosh Jesse. I am laughing so hard I don't know what to say.

Jed said...

I thought we agreed to call them dirty pillows.

someone awesome said...

I always thought your sister had fabulous boobies. Penny forgot to mention that. Small but awesome I am sure...

Gudridur said...

When she was 5, my oldest daughter asked me when my cousin, who is of the negative boobie persuasion, was going to grow up and have "long" breast like me. In my defense, I was nursing at the time... But yeah. Kids are great. Love reading you, Jayne.

Tamsin North said...

The other day I was getting dressed in front of my 2 year-old, and he took one look at my as I stepped out of my towel, and just cracked up laughing and pointing.

Naturally I thought of you and your funny, funny fat things :)