Thursday, June 28, 2012

Conversation with George

George and I talk about the primary election on Tuesday. It took me since Tuesday to figure out how to load this video. Yes, my husband makes videos for a living.


Kelly said...

What an adorable voice to be heard. Power to the little people!

Jen said...
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Jen said...

That face is so dang cute! Stephanie posted a pic on Facebook the other day and george looks so much like Jed! But now that I see this he sure has a lot of his mama in him. keep them coming. This has entertained my kids and they keep hitting play again and again. I really have to clean my house so make the next one longer.

Anonymous said...

Well...I am sorry to burst any bubbles but George just to face reality, pick up his peas, wear those cloth diapers and then pick himself by his diaper pins and fend for himself. I laughed so hard I hurt my back! So very cute and should go viral! Grandma Dawn.