WHY do you call your blog Jayniemoon?
Someone asked me my name when I was a little girl and I responded, "Jayniemoon". Out of the blue, I was Jayniemoon. I am still called that by some in my family.
WHY does your blog look so awful when you have a husband who is a graphic designer?
Great question! I started this blog 4 years ago or something and it has been the same ever since! Truthfully, it seems that these days I get to spend so little time with Jed when he is not designing something, that I choose to spend any spare time with him rather than have him design my silly, little blog. However, you never know--maybe one day I'll be without polka dots!
I said maybe.
WHY don't you put links to your friends and family members' (and especially my) blogs?
To fully understand that, you must know that I was super overwhelmed in Kindergarten when two friends, Jesse and Ashley, both wanted me to sit by them. I didn't want to hurt either of their feelings by sitting by the other one. I still feel torn! What would you have done?
It has only gotten worse. I cannot link your blogs. I am stressed out just thinking about it. For example, what if I don't really know you very well, but my sister-in-law's friend does and you have a blog and you sometimes comment on mine. Should I list you on the side of my blog?
Or what if I know you REALLY well, like, you're my brother, but I don't like your blog? Do I have to list you just because you're my brother?
Say I find my blog listed on your blog and we were in the same ward 5 years ago, but I sort-of forgot your name. Am I required to list your blog because you listed mine?
And so it goes on. I love you, I probably love your blog (but you'll never know!) but I will never link your blog on mine.
WHY does your blog not allow for a title?
I don't know! Please, if you know why I can't put a title (besides what I already do--see the recent post section? It lists like half the post!) help! I also can't change fonts or font sizes?!
The No-name brand Macaroni and Cheese is $.20 cheaper than the Kraft. Should I buy it?
NO! While I am a thrifty consumer, and spend much of my money on Western Family, I can promise you you'll wish you spent the extra twenty on Kraft.
WHY do you have a picture of a microwave on this post?
And isn't it sweet?
Definitely a sweet microwave. I never knew blogging could be so stressful Jayne :) Just kidding. I just add about everyone to my blog for the same reason. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. However, one of these days it's going to go right off the page. It's the same with facebook. I have like 100 friends, and I think to myself, do I really have that many friends? I talk to like 5 people, but I'd feel bad saying no to anyone that requested me as a friend. Oh the politics in the internet :)
I loved this post. I'm a food brand snob, I admit. Sure, call me spoiled, but I'm with you on that one.
Awesome microwave. I'd include a photo, too, if I owned such a sweet appliance.
Jayne, there are many many MANY more things other than just macaroni and cheese that are worth spending a little more for. I know I am the playgroup outcast when it comes to this theory but I am glad to see we at least agree on the mac and cheese.
I am also glad that you cleared up the reason you have not linked to my blog, my feelings have been incredibly hurt for a long time now. They still are hurt but at least now I can begin the healing process.
I do like your microwave but where is the picture of your awesome red mailbox?
having a custom-designed blog costs a lot of scratch (just ask courtney) and I happen to know for a fact that you don't have any scratch to spare.
is that microwave for sale?
that makes me laugh. i thought moon was your last name. on my links it says, moon family. i makes me laugh outloud... i think i may just leave it that way, just for a smile! i guess thats what happens when you go 8 years without being in touch.
Hey... Didn't I buy a microwave like that once at a garage sale over by Sheryl's house? That thing is sweet.
I completely agree! I have no links on my blog for the same reason. But is it really convenient to have your microwave outside?
You would worry about something like a blogroll! I miss my little stressed friend. You are just too nice!
sorry that tommy jones adventures is a blog my son writes stories on! I accidently commented while logged onto his account!
Jayne, I'm sure you can guess who this is, but will you please tell your sister to stop buying A+ soda, Western Family Ritz crackers and fake Saltines? You have to go name brand on some things. Mac and cheese is a toss up though. I draw the line on fake Oreo's.
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