Monday, December 15, 2008

A Christmas Card Trickster

I got my first Christmas card today (besides a number of others). I was sooooooo excited! I love Christmas cards, what with all the bragging and super cute pictures. Well, I didn't want to just open it with the rest of my bills and big checks, so I saved it. My hope was that, sometime, after the kids were nestled in their beds, the time would be right to open up said card. When such a time arrived, Jed and I opened up the bubbly, toasted to a super awesome Christmas card and opened. Words cannot describe my desperate sadness when I opened the card. (See picture below.) (You know pictures are worth a thousand words right?)

Some tricky dicky sent us an empty envelope. What kind of person would dash another person's Christmas dreams!

How am I to know which kid is the lead in his school play? And what about grades! Someone must be earning 'A's'! How will I know? Did someone get a new job? Lose weight? I guess I'll never know. Never.

I have to hope maybe it was a mistake. No one is so heartless (Scrooge is fictional everybody--besides remember, he sends the boy to get a Christmas goose at the end? Doy.) to do such a cruel thing to a nice lady like me. So I started thinking of some of the regular friends and family that send me Christmas cards. Maybe it could be from one of them. Ashley? Casey? Brad and Angelina? (Are the twins crawling? Does Viv still look like Ang? Don't make me buy an Us Weekly to find out!)

If it was you, I beg you to make good on your Christmas card. After all, it is Christmas.


Anonymous said...


brad is still a little miffed over that trivial pursuit game last time we were over. he thought this was the perfect way to get back at your know-it-all husband.


ali said...

I stopped reading after "tricky dicky" because I was chuckling too hard. I love all your little jayneisms. I miss hearing "hot dog" and other such phrases that make me happy.

Lindsey said...
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Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

The best gifts come from the heart and cannot be seen with our eyes. Don't you know that?

OK. It was me. Seriously. I hope no one else got jipped. You getting ripped off I can handle, but if I did that to my REAL friends I could be in trouble...

Love ya.

byLGD Glass Jewelry said...

awww, that's sad. if you send me your address i'll send you a christmas card... and it won't be empty. :) ::giggles::

Kimpossible said...

I'm so glad it was empty. I thought you were going to say that it was just a catalog. Empty. That's way better. In fact that totally takes the pressure off of writing Christmas cards, I'm just sending envelopes this year too.

No Big Dill said...

I especially loved the pics.

Anita Wells said...

hope that wasn't us! with the kids helping you do hope that every envelope gets stuffed and stamped before it's sealed...

Anonymous said...

wow. who would do such a terrible thing? double lame-o.

Lindsey said...

I think it was Jed. After all he originated the term "tricky-dicky", didn't he?

Teachinfourth said...

Maybe it was actually filled with love...

Anonymous said...

i heard jed use that term just teh other day. it's gotta be jed.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Big checks?

Jed IS overpaid.

(Sorry I missed the Pee Wee contest. I am so sorry.)

Anonymous said...

yeah, court, it's the weirdest thing. some people pay with money. you'd have to see it to believe it.

jiss said...


The card was from me - but let me tell you what it read:
(the cover had us all wearing matching denim shirts with jeans, and even cute ozzie made the picture. In big words "from our family to yours, merry christmas!)
Lydia was student of the month and year at edgemont.
Jesse was Joseph in the primary christmas pageant.
Max is a model for gap kids.
Maria's favorite words are dad, ball, and curious - did I mention she is 3 months? AMAZING!
Lindsay is the PTA president and I am soooo busy making TONS of money.
Merry Christmas.

Just print this out and put it in that big envelope.

Heather said...

oh that would make me sad too! I send out like forty Christmas cards at Christmas and some years get one in the mail. I hope that you get many more envelopes full of Christmas card cheer!