Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sunday At the House on Elm


Mandy said...

Wow... An ordinary day made SO beautiful... I'm jealous. :)

Lisa said...


Anita Wells said...

so peaceful... did it last for more than 3 minutes? :-)

Tiffani said...

What a delightful slice of your life! Thanks for sharing.

Jen said...

That was so awesome Jed and Jayne. How come I have never had a Sunday so peaceful!

TaylorCrew said...

I want to come over and see your Elmy abode one of these days - I'll argue to my dying day that Elm is the best of the tree streets - although Cherry is pretty peachy. Can I also have bread and butter if I visit?

cindy said...

I've just seen your blog as a link from cjane's. But I had to comment and tell you that that was such a BEAUTIFUL video! Thank you so much for sharing that. Can you tell us the name of that beautiful song you used for it? I lovvvvvve it!

Anonymous said...

should have given music credit:

artist: Sigur Ròs
song: Góðan Daginn
album: Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust

(right, that's a mouthful)

cindy said...

Thanks Jed! I found it on iTunes.

western dave said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fowler family said...

That was priceless. I loved how you highlighted the simplicities that went on. Very beautiful.

Nicole said...

Wow! That's all I have to say. Oh, and that I can't believe how much Hazel looks like my little friend Jayne. Thanks for sharing something so peaceful and precious.

Anonymous said...

Those every-day moments are the best part of parenthood. Way to capture them and put together the images and music in such a beautiful way.

Stefanie said...

Can I come move in?

ali said...

wow. some of the most artistic and beautiful footage i've ever seen. i would not expect anything less from old jeddy.

is part II of that video with your children huddled around the fireplace reading and highlighting the scriptures? Because seriously, I think our sunday video would have to be put to a music clip by Guns and Roses because sometimes it just feels a bit rock and roll around here on the holy sabbath.

Shanicherie said...

Jayne, this is Shannon Howard (Parsons now). I hope you remember me from the old Provo ward...I can't remember if my Dad was 1st counselor or Bishop of the 12th/4th ward when you were there, but that's who I am if you don't remember! I just came upon your blog and it's always fun to see what's going on with old friends! My blog's private, so email me if you want an invite at shanicherie@gmail.com! Great to see you!

jayne wells said...

Oh, I am laughing at Ali's comment about Guns N' Roses!

Just so that we're all clear, this movie was three of the best minutes of our day including the cleanest parts of the house. We could've made an equally long (and longer) movie including my huge pile of laundry, the fight over not playing the wii on Sunday and the potato casserole that wasn't so super awesome. But you know...glass half full and all that stuffy stuff.

ali said...

thanks for the clarification jayner. I was starting to feel a bit bad about my motley crew...and my subpar sunday casseroles for that matter.

loved it. just beautiful. don't we all want to remember our families in their sweeter moments?

Anonymous said...

stuffy stuff? really?

jayne wells said...

stuffy stuff you anon.

Rachel said...

Very beautiful...

Anonymous said...

I know that your glass is usually about 3/4 full. You are just very clever and able to write well about and to laugh at the funny aspects of life. :) (this is in response to your funny guest blog.)
I love the video Jed! Very well done. Cute subjects!
Love and stuff (y stuff),
Lisa Marie

Lisa said...

Hey Jayniemoon, I already left you a comment about how much I loved this particular video. My 13yr.old loved it so much she made her own. Pretty good too. Well, I'm a new blogger in town, and would love if you stopped by for a visit. Thanks, Hugs from Maine. http://sophie4me.blogspot.com/

Susan Anderson said...

Your video made me happy. And peaceful. Thanks.