Friday, February 20, 2009

Look at Me Grandma and Grandpa! Watch Me Uncle Danny!


Lisa said...



Anita Wells said...

Darling! It's been so long since we've seen you, can't believe he's walking! Love the bangs, Jaynie.

Kelly said...

Congratulations! I'm new to your blog. It's making me smile today so -thanks. Seeing your baby take first steps really makes me miss those days. Enjoy!!!!

megan said...

I can't believe how well he was walking around today! Didn't realize it was such a new thing. Awesome job Julian!

megan said...

P.S. (I always have an afterthought...) Those pj's are much cuter, Jayne!

adriennep said...

Jayne! You and your little people are just so darn cute I don't know what to do about it. Maybe send you a certificate of congratulations on being adorable? I don't know if Jed appreciates being called adorable so I will call him a bastion of father- and husband-hood. I can't find your email anywhere or else I'd email you to tell you that I read your whole entire blog the other night and laughed my head off. We miss you!

em kawasaki said...

HOORAY for Julian! I absolutely love that kid. Maybe since it is so easy for you to pop them out you should give Jules to me. I'll be really good to him - promise.

ali said...

good job julian. but seriously? when did hazel turn 16? she looks so mature and old to me. I still have her frozen in time when we saw you last and she was dumping red pepper flakes all over the table and you were choking down that "tomato" pizza on the sabbath day that we encouraged you to break. do you still feel guilty? probably....

wait....did I see you after that at disneyland? I can't keep it all straight.

Anonymous said...

So darn cute!
Grandma Lisa

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!! I am addicted! Your family is too cute!

Kim ~ Ohio

adriandgreg said...

How cute. Greg and I love the videos. You look way good by the way for having three kids. Someday I will meet that little Wells baby!

Brimley Girl said...

I love to see how Hazel helps with Jules. She'll be like a second mommy to those boys. That is an especially sweet video. Love you all, Sher

Anonymous said...

thats my nephew!
i send love from mexico, this place didnt have speakers so ill have to watch it again elsewhere..

elder clark :)

Nick said...

Jayne,I love this! Parley is sooo sweet, but my favorite part is you and Jed. SO cute!!!!

Nick said...

Did I write Parley??!! Well that's who I am talking about. He's not even in one shot. Well I ment Julian. He's sweet too!!!

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Nine months ago that would've been just a cute video. Tonight it made me all emotional. What has motherhood done to my composure?

Why don't people have 70 babies each? This video is perfect PR.

Well Done Wells team.

Anonymous said...

look jayne! the famous c jane commented on your blog!

thanks, codus. we like having kids too. well, most days we do.

Jen said...

The movies are awesome! Warner is watching with me and wondering how he can aspire to make such fabulous movies! Julian- your awesome!