Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New At Our House

Carpet downstairs!

(VCT tile, you were good for the 50 years you served.

Juli goes up and down the stairs.

No Woody! Don't shoot!
(Hazel and Parley have a room.)

After all the grass that Hazel's skirt left behind is picked up, I'll post more pictures.

And don't expect to see me in that outfit Hazel has on.


Teachinfourth said...

I always love the photos you post on your blog. They tell a story in such a rich way.

Lisa said...




Stefanie said...

Hooray for the house on Elm! You've come such a long way.

If walls could talk...what wonderful joy they'd express at being so well loved right now.

Anonymous said...

Cute pics and cute blog!

Troy said...

I can't wait to come visit your house. I am coming to Women's Week or some spiritual event in May. Can I stop in and say hi to my pal?

jayne wells said...

Yes Dad! While you're here you could finish the electrical! Oh wait, my dad doesn't check my blog!
Ali, my other dad? Oh Ali! I can't wait!

ali said...

glad you know "who's your daddy"!

ShOrt StoRy said...

Ok. Jayne, I have been looking at your blog for a short time and had to comment because you are so funny! I seriously laugh everytime I check it...I loved your reenactment of your son's pictures...You have such a cute family and I hope you don't mind I "check" up on you!!!

megan said...

Your carpet looks fabulous! And it is much more comfortable to play on, but it's too bad for the VCT--it makes a great roller-rink. Plus, I think you could maybe get away with wearing that grass skirt...