It turned out to be Basa Body lotion, soap and an awesome moisture bar. That was super news--I know how to use all of those things--and commonly do! But this lotion is different.
The story drew me in first. A few weeks ago, my aunt Chriss and her husband Louis asked my dad, a general contractor, and my mom to fly over to Kenya to help with a facility they are building to house some of their charitable operations. I knew they had been doing some charity work in Africa, but I never fully understood what it was. I still don't--but the lotion helped put some of the pieces together. Here is the story of Basa Body:
It began with a trip to Kenya where we connected with wonderful, intelligent women working hard to feed their families. We met with the women of Mombasa and visited the first small-scale coconut oil plant called Coast Coconut Farms where they produced pure organic coconut oil by hand. Determined to find a way to assist them in selling their oil and to help them grow their business, we came home and through the help of many good people, created Basa Body (named after the women of Mombasa). It is our hope that by sharing this natural healing lotion with their inspiring story, we can help lift these women of Africa out of poverty.
The idea of helping women take care of their families by using skills and resources they already have is fantastic. And it is awesome lotion. Really. After putting it on, I sort of find myself sniffing my hands all day, because it smells so much like real coconuts.
My parents are in Kenya right now. Jed's parents are on a mission in South Africa and have traveled to many countries all over the continent. The feeling I get from these parents is that these are good, hard-working people in Africa that truly struggle to provide for themselves and their families. My mother-in-law buys things from all kinds of vendors to help in their efforts.
I love the lotion. I seriously do. I use it more than I've ever used any particular lotion. And the moisture stick is heavenly for dry heels and elbows. I've only used one of my soaps so far--but it smells like mint truffle--and who cares if you have a unibrow if you smell like mint truffle?
So forget Bath and Body works this Christmas, and give someone some awesome products from Basa Body. By doing so, you'll be helping African women take care of their families and smelling like a tropical paradise or Sees candy shop. Could there be a better combination?
More info:
What, you want another testimony from someone more famous? (rude)
Wait, what's that? You're a modeling scout and you couldn't help but notice my first picture? Oh my gosh, I have more.

stop trying to see if I still have a unibrow.
I'll check it out.
Sign me up.
Great unibrow, but I am more impressed with your sexy nails. I can never do sexy nails.
And I'm not really up at 2:35 AM.
hope you're handing these out for christmas gifts! and with that live-in photographer, you've got some great modeling options already. just think, whiskerino for girls!
I don't think any other testimony, regardless of how famous, could top those photos.
You are awesome.
well look who's the big idiot for not shooting a whole portfolio of 'my wife modeling with skin care products.'
Whoa! I am going to leave my comment here rather than on Courtney's blog today. Those women need to get a life. Seriously. If Cjane's blog is all they have to worry about all day long, they are pretty blessed. Sheesh! Annnyyyywhoooo...
Thanks for the tip! I ordered mine today. I love a good lotion that will keep me from getting itchy here in the long dry winters.
I love love love all your pictures too! And for the record, there is no unibrow! I cried when I read this because I am sporting a 1/2 of a brow right now!!! Darn wax!
ok, does the citrus splash or the unscented smell more "coconutty"?
((that sounds stupid. unscented. but I hate to order without asking-- I want the one that is more coconutty. I don't want something that smells like oranges? or is the citrus pineapple-ey?))
Ordered it!
@kim-- i know, right? same post, but no controversy over here. i think people are lulled into a sense or serenity by jayne's glamour shots.
good on ya jayne! Hope your parents are having a blast! To all you reader, The lotion is the bomb diggity! I use the stick on my face as my only moisturizer. The unscented has a coconut smell but not "pina colada" smell some people like it some people don't. I like the citrus, a lot!
it's the glam shots fo sho! :)
hope i'm not too late--but I have the citris splash one, and it doesn't smell very citris-y to me. I just smell coconut. Yum. The moisture stick smells dang good too.
memo to myself: next time, just post glamor shots.
Cjane: your blog was perfect yesterday. Do not let those crabby women get to you. Hmmm, I wonder what ever caused you to turn off the comments? If we do not pass on great finds and buys to our girlfriends, than what really is a girlfriend for? Thanks to Darlybird, I have found lots of Christmas presents this year. And you know who told me about Darlybird, right?
Seriously, I am so excited to get my new lotion. I am a little flakey (no comments from the Peanut gallery, Please) and it's only December 2nd. Jayne I really hope that one of these pictures comes in my Christmas card this year! Shameless hints! Shameless! ;)
Wow, nothing left to say. Except I really am impressed with those nails.
I was reading Nie Nie. And then there was a link to her cousin's blog. I read and think she's funny! THEN i look at your cute things on the side and see that my old friend Jed Wells is there? So funny. So hi to Jed's wife from Jed's friend from a long long time ago! Your kids are adorable and your blog is delightful.
i knew you missed your true calling in life. peddling beauty products through glamour shots...SOLD!
I got my bottle today! It's wonderful! Thanks!
This stuff is so yummy to smell. Every time I open my drawer I swoon, seriously. My uncle Abe and Aunt Gretchen are working on that project too so that's where I got the stuff. I haven't tried it yet. I just like to smell it. Dumb huh? But I am going to try it on my elephant heels now. yay.
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