Thursday, November 15, 2007

On Parley

I'm a sucker for Parley--it is no secret. Parley is my happy-go-lucky little boy and has been since he came to our family. He thrills at little joys, thanks me for opening the door for him or for giving him his breakfast, loves to give hugs, sings the clean-up song while happily putting his toys away, and laughs when he falls down. Parley is delightful. It is no surprise then, that I can't resist him when he wants an extra cookie (and does he ever), or asks me to lay by him when I put him down to rest.

In all his sweetness, he is the messiest child I know. He finds pens and markers that I didn't know existed and colors on couches and beds. After he's finished he comes to me and says, "Mommy sad, mess!" He insists on eating without help, and only uses utensils when it is convenient for him. Thus, although I am glad for him to have yogurt and applesauce, it can only be saved for days when I am patient and willing to wash hands, hair, chest, table and floor.

I can also count on Parley to stain or cut a hole in whichever shirt I put on him for the first time. I feel I must make a public announcement every time I take him out: Parley is a well-loved, well-cared for boy! I bought this shirt yesterday--I swear!

Today Parley turns two. I have been excited for this day since autumn started showing its signs back in September. It seems there isn't much better than watching someone who brings so much happiness to others be happy himself. And Buzz, Woody and Jessie are just the trio to bring such happiness! Happy second son! We love you!


C. Jane Kendrick said...

Happy Birthday you darling darling boy!

Shannon & Summer said...

What a sweetie!
It was good to run into you the other day!
I am excited for your sister to be in our ward!

ali said...

that's where I like to keep my spare lollies!

Parley sounds like a little gem! wish we could be there to celebrate the occasion!

em kawasaki said...

You know no one loves Parley quite like Calvin. I told him today is Parley's birthday and he has been a little stressed that we have not given Parley his present yet. We love Parley and I love that first picture of him - I assume it is a Jed Wells masterpiece. See you at playgroup!

Anonymous said...

I think I've seen Parley wear that lollie outfit before. He is impossible to resist. What a beautiful boy! (hear John Lennon's song!)

No Big Dill said...

What a sweet boy! I want one!

Erin said...

What a cute little boy!

Lindsey said...

Oh Parley...I love you!!! I hope you had a great 2nd Birthday!

Erin said...

p.s. Jayne, thanks for the comment on my blog. I am a mommy now, to two! I have a separate blog for my kiddos that isn't publicly listed on blogspot but you can view it at

Glad to see you again!