Thursday, May 15, 2008

So Much For College

It turns out we wasted a lot of money on Jed's photography training. I mean, can you really tell a difference between the ones he took and the one I took?


janaya said...

jayne! you seriously have the cutest kids EVER! crazy awesome photo skills or not... those are some cute kidlets. :)

ali said...

I will say this much...the kids look MUCH happier in Jed's photo shoot.

what were you shooting with, jayner? a taser gun, or something?

ali said...

oh and BTW (i just learned that means "by the way")...

i am calling you for outfit coordinating the next time we need to take a family picture.

Sarah Burgoyne said...

I love the pictures! I need to take a photography class, I love how in your picture their not smiling. I feel for you, thank goodness for digital :)

Kelly said...

Jayne.. Your kids are so ADORABLE! WOW! I just happened to find your blog and it has been so fun to see pics. of your Mom and Dad. What great People. I always loved your Dad cause he always had somthing nice to say to me everytime I saw him. I am happy to see you are happy and well. Had to say hello. Love, Kelly Clark Thompson
(Your Cousin)

Lindsey said...

JAYNER! I am so glad to see those new pictures! Oh, man, Julian is so dang cute! He's getting so big! Gotta love the "formula" right? tee hee

Love you!

No Big Dill said...

They sure are cute, Jayne!

MommyMert said...

Hope you dont mind, I saw your link and thought it might be you guys. Sure enough! Very cute pictures of the kids! Wowsers you make cute ones. Thanks for letting me take a peep.


em kawasaki said...

Here is Calvin's comment:

Look at Parley! He is nakey (code for naked).

Jed's photos look okay ... I guess. But your picture is very artistic, it speaks volumes of the reality in every day life, the heartbreak, the trials, the torment. Many depressed artists spend their entire life trying to capture that, good job Jayne.

jayne wells said...

wait a minute--how can everyone tell which is mine?

Jen said...

hhhhmmm... hard to say- but I love the "reality" yours captures! They are so darling!

Brimley Girl said...

Jayne, the kids look so, so cute. I can just picture that whole photo session with them all. Hazel is getting so grown-up. Parley's just so full of life and Julian is a little sweetheart. I love you all. Sher

Brimley Girl said...

Um...OK, that is the name of a blog I started a while ago and never did anything with. I didn't know that would show up (Brimley girls)...that shows how unfamiliar I am with blogging. Oh well maybe someday there will be a post there. Sher

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's the name I was going to pick for my blog! What makes you think you can pick it. I was born first! :)
Those are some darn cute children! At least Gramps didn't take them...or their heads would've been cut off the top!
I love the photos and my darling grandchildren!
Love, Grandma Lisa

Brimley Girl said...

Lisa, actually my blog is named Brimleygir12...but somehow my signon is Brimley Girls...I've gotta figure it out. Sher

C. Jane Kendrick said...

What? I don't see a danged difference.

jamieBEE said...

SUCH CUTE KIDS!!!! and I think you should note the years of college that taught you the skills of a mother standing behind "the professional photographer" making those kids SMILE!

jamieBEE said...

I found your blog on Carin's blog and LOVE reading the update on your fam! You guys are awesome!

adriandgreg said...

I actually can't tell the difference... but don't tell Jed that. :) I miss seeing your family! Your chubby little ones were always my favorite.