All the hype around Harry Potter kept me away from the books until I had to read them to my after-school students per their request. Once started, the reason for the hype became clear and I continued reading. I checked out the books on tape at Sunset View and got Jed to catch up so we could read the Goblet of Fire together. We had a grand time reading (and mostly listening to) the rest of the series together--getting a chapter in whenever we could.
When Twilight came out and the women of the world around me couldn't put their books down, again I resisted. There is something to be said about NOT joining the hype. Sequel after sequel moved onto shelves, but I just couldn't convince myself to give it a chance. Then my husband's friend checked the book on CD out from the library after being way down at the bottom of a huge waiting list. Books on CD are the only way I get any reading done these days. I decided to put it on my ipod.
I just finished the book last night.
My question to you, world, is:
You must have thought it was the gagiest, cheesiest, most predictable book in existence since Jack Weyland, right? You certainly noticed that Edward's eyes gazed and glowered a million times, and that his perfect and god-like physique were mentioned on every page. You must have wondered, as I did, how Bella and Edward fell so desperately in love in such a short time, right? And in the end, you must have hoped it would have a climax as intense as said Harry Potter and the anything of anything but were sorely disappointed to find it had 1/100 of the excitement and thrill. You did right? You were just pretending to like it because your sister-in-law gave you the book. Please? Or am I the only one in this wicked, vampire-ridden world?*
*okay you must know that I could never be a critic of any kind because I feel too bad about possibly hurting ANYone's feelings and I secretly have fears of running into Stephenie Meyer and having her think I'm a mean lady for writing this post. Remember when I hurt one of the Jehovah's Witnesses for writing a joking post? So if you loved Twilight and feel bad that I wrote this post, I'm sorry. And I still like you. But you didn't really like it, right? I'm just teasing see? If you happen to be Stephenie Meyer, because I often have famous people visit my blog, I'm even more sorry. I am a nice person, I just happen to be a nice AND sarcastic person. Is there book material in that? I could also be in love with a demon! A beautiful, gorgeous, god-like, perfect demon.
Jaynie, I absolutely agree! 100%! I did the same thing and after every book I would look at Scott and tell him what happened and ask the same questions you did. Do you remember me mentioning the constant references to his lips and eyes and body? I mean come on already we get it! And I wasn't sure I really liked Edward throughout but by the end I couldn't really still be voting for Jacob now could I?! I'm with you. -Mieka
Jayne, I was with you on not getting into the whole hype of the book. I put it off until two weeks ago.(I am almost finished with book 4) And I am sad to say that I am a Twilight addict. I know it is sad. My poor house and kids, so not fair to them. But I will say in defense of all the other women out there who, like myself enjoyed the books. They do get better. And I do feel like they were written for the 17-20 year olds out there. Easy read, love at first sight, etc. But I enjoyed them. Maybe you were expecting much more, because of the hype. Keep reading you never know.....
I understand. One of my girlfriends was disgusted by the books. She thinks they are horrible.
But, alas, I like them... It brings out the 15 year old girl in me... But now I am done and moving on with my life... :)
Here, here. I wasn't terribly impressed with #1, but I made it to #4 and really enjoyed myself. I felt like Stephanie Meyers matured as an author in the interim, so her character and plot development were much more satisfying by the end. However, I'm never too excited to jump into a series I know will consume me for over 2000 pages. I'm always relieved to reach the end regardless of whether or not I was ultimately entertained.
I LOVED it, I don't know why and I am embarrassed but I can't fight it and there is no reason to deny it because I know you are too sweet to disown me for this declaration. I really did like it. Just check out my goodreads ratings.
I tell you what your problem is Jayne... you listen to it on tape before reading it. I've read all the books and LOVE Twilight! I just started listening to them on my ipod (helps the chores go faster :) and its just all wrong. The way the narrator reads the books just makes me crindge. I bet if you read it you would feel differently :)
I am on the same page as you....I only read the 1st book and had a hard time getting into it!! I refused to read any of the other books....then later I tried to give the book a chance and read it again....well it is still sitting on my shelf untouched.
His topaz eyes smoldered as he looked at me. I found myself again gasping for breath as his cool hand stroked my cheek. His god-like body was cold as ice and made me shiver. I would never get used to this.
See, I could write twilight! That's all it takes! Haha.
I read all four and thought the fourth was a bit creepy and strange, didn't mind the second or third, first was really mushy. But I did read all four. I was entertained and definitely like them for a light read. Nothing more, nothing less!
Love you Jayne, you didn't hurt my feelings. Stephenie Meyer just called though and she was sobbing...so...
I put off reading these books forever. The whole vampire love thing just didn't seem up my ally. I'm not big on hype books either. However, when I got the first book, I couldn't put it down. It definitely had it's flaws though and was way too intense/gaggy for highschoolers (I don't care how old you are Edward). I loved the second one even better and have to say I don't really care for Edward, godlike or not. I'd take Jacob any day. The third and fourth books were just so/so for me, but overall I thought it was interesting to read and I liked how she twisted something we are familiar with "vampires" and turned into something different. I have to agree with your friends though, you can't listen to it on tape and get the same feelings. When you read the book, you get to enjoy helping create the characters and emotions, rather than having a narrator do that for you. Alas, I understand. . . time who has that? I'm still on like page 15 of a book I started a month ago. Oh and Stephenie Meyers is not a creative genius like J.K. Rowling, no matter how many times people compare the two. She might be almost as rich though, so she can afford the therapy from our critical abuse :) Ha ha!
I cant believe I found you. My first best friend. All of the games and hours spent played on Cherry Ln.... I think of them often.
Its Jill Harvey... well now Wirthlin. I found you through your Cousin's blog who's I found through an old friend. I am so sorry to hear about what has happened, what a tragedy. My prayers and thoughts are with you all.
Your Family is beautiful... your Daughter is a spitting image of you, its amazing!
I have so loved reading up on you guys, what a great life you have made for yourself. Where are you living now?
I hope we can keep in touch. All of my love,
You've created quite the comment board! My favorite of S.M.'s books is The Host - the story line was way better (it's not in the Twilight series), the romance wasn't as predominant and there is only one book instead of a series. No vampires just aliens!
I did like the Twilight books but we can still be friends I suppose!
I'm trying to hold off on reading Harry Potter until my boys are old enough so we can enjoy them together.
now that I did the formal hello's I had to come back on and leave a message about how true this post is to me. I read all of the books, pressure from the YW I served with in CA. And I never really got into it. Whenever I tell people my opinion, because they are all obsessed with them, they automatically think I am crazy or harsh.I know its just that I have good taste.
We just moved to CO. My Husband is attending University of Denver's PhD. program. One day we'll be done with School! We were in CA before that, Orange County still, and Chicago for his Masters. You'd think after having a Father in the Army I'd have learned and moved around less. We love it here though and to be honest I love all the changes we see and people we meet.
Thanks for your comment. I am so thrilled that we got back in touch!
I havent read them yet because I am always reading parenting books and partly because there s a vicious battle that went on at enrichment. Half of the women were calling it soft porn and half were raving. It is funny to hear what these books are stiring up!
Well, well! Calista led me over to your blog, and I have to say:
KUDOS to you, my dear.
Check out my own scathing review on my blog and you won't feel so bad. I ripped on these books a lot more than you did!
Hope my review doesn't offend anybody. But I'm an English major. And a writer. And if the books had been mine that I had purchased, I would have ripped the pages out (after editing them with a red pen, mind you) and then thrown them across the room.
In Stephanie Meyer's favorite word: UGH
I never made it past the first book. I was gagging so hard I could hardly read it. No worries for me I have never really been nice anyway.
I'm with ya on this one, jayne! gag me with a spoon.
Hi, I don't know you, but I have to agree. I am continuing to read the series hoping for something amazing to come along, and it is taking forever because I just can't get into them. I am so glad I am not the only one.
Jaynie! I feel....sad! I LOVED the books! (I know, no surprise to anyone I am sure) I agree that the writing was no Harry Potter, but I just can't not love the whole "perfect man" thing. Maybe cause it reminds me so much of my own "perfect man" :) Greg is starting to question my healthy reading habits because I tend to read the darn things over and over. Miekie -- AH! Can't believe you either. I'm so offended I'm thinking of ditching out on girl's weekend. So BOOOOO on you two!
just found your blog via CJane and I have to agree with you here...I AM NOT a fan of twilight at all!! Terrible writing!!
No. No, I did not enjoy that book.
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