My sister-in-law, Anita, came down just to help me on Tuesday. It was so wonderful to visit with her and also have time to get out for awhile. Then, she took pictures of my house to send to my parents-in-law in Africa since I can't get my act together enough to do it myself. SO, all in all, it is thanks to Anita that you have pictures and that I (hopefully) have my act a little more together after some time out!

Your house looks so good. I have curtains that match your floor rug perfectly! I love the kitchen cabinets and floors. You guys did a great job!!
I love your house!! I bet it is nice to have more room!
Jayne your house looks so great! I love it!
I love it too!!! What a great house for your family. Good job with the yellow tile floor, it looks so sunny and bright. Love ya, Sher
I love that wall paper and the whole thing. It's seriously so darling. What's Parley having? Is the floor so clean you could eat off of it? Shana
your house is gorgeous. I love it. Miss seeing you around!
I'm jealous.
Will you come help me?
so dang adorable! I love it! I want to see it in real life! I can't believe how much you did so quickly!
Wow! Everything looks so great. I really need to get going on something, but I just can't figure out where to start.
Great photos Anita! If you have some before photos, you could win a contest in Country Living. Its even cuter in real life!
Nicole--is this Nicole Felt or Beck? I can't find your blog Nicole Felt! Or Nicole Beck, do you have a blog?
Nicole, that was Jayne, not Jed commenting.
hey, glad to be of service and get mentioned on a blog!
besides your house being absolutely positively perfectly Jayne-esq, I think what I love most is Parley running around in that GINORMOUS tee shirt!
Jayne can you come to my house and help me get over my phobia of colors? I love all the color in your house!
It is Nicole Felt. Doesn't it link off of my name if you click on it? Anyway, we are at
What a fabulous house. You have such a way of extending your personality to your space. Ever consider a job with Country Living?
Your house looks amazing! I am jealous! And how is your house so clean???
LOVE the wallpaper Jaynie! Some day I'm going to be just like you
LOVE the wallpaper Jaynie! Some day I'm going to be just like you
I LOVE your kitchen floor, do you mind sharing where you found those tiles?
Grant's granddaughter here. The house is so adorable. My mom and I are sitting here admiring all your creativity and handiwork. Good luck with the basement. That's going to be a real challenge!
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