I know I'm almost a month late, but I, nevertheless, am posting these cute Halloween pictures of my kids. Parley is Superwhy--and if you don't know who that is, check out your local PBS kids station. He LOVES Superwhy can out-sing anyone with "W-H-Y spells Why, Superwhy, he's a super guy!"
Hazel is the sixth person in our family to be Dorothy. My aunt Sheryl made this darling dress for her daughter, Lindsey to wear (how old were you Linds?) Lindsey could rival Judy Garland for Dorothy--and she sings a mean "If I were King of the Forrrrrrrrest" too. After Linds wore the dress they passed it down to me. Then to Katie-to Paige-to Serena-and this year, to Hazel. She was so pleased. Thanks Sheryl and Linds for letting us share. Now Scarlett can be #7!
Oh, Hazey! You are the cutest Dorothy yet! It is so amazing to me that costume has made it this long. I know that I was in 1st or 2nd grade when I wore that because I had to be a spanish Dorothy (spanish immersion). I just thank my aunts for keeping it in such great shape!
And Pars! SuperWhy is the best!
There is something extra cute about that costume! Jayne the photos are adorable. I was laughing thinking about Lindsey singing that song--oh my gosh she does sing that really well!
And by the way, I visted your blog because I was looking for some spyware, a defragmenter and a virus program but I'm not sure a blog exists that has good, useful information in it like that so I just had to enjoy the photos.
Oh that is awesome. I'm now laughing at Lindsey singing and Chuck's geek-blog!
"My rrrregal rrrrobes of the forrreeeeesssttt...would be satin; and not a-cotton and not chintz!"
You guys have no idea. I am way better at the Munchkinland song...what with the Coroner and the Mayor and the Witch and Glinda. I'm really able to stretch my mimicry. I rock at WOO.
Oh and Shan...I agree, Chuck's recommendation of defragmentors is ideal, his knowledge of file launchers and file recovery saved my harddrive from becoming a serious Sad Mac....heh heh, a little computer joke for you.
They look SUPER cute! :) She makes a perfect Dorothy. :)
Oh my gosh you guys all had me laughing!!! I can just hear Lindsey singing and imitating perfectly all of the characters of the Wizard of Oz!!"Duh duh duh duh duh"....That's me singing the witch on the bike song during the tornado!My favorite!
Wouldn't it be cute to see photos of all the girls in that "Daurathy" dress!!?? Could we do that?
Shana, thank goodness you asked about a blog for spyware etc and that Jed just happened to know of one. I didn't even know that I wanted that! But Chuck knew that we all wanted that.
Cute cute Hazel/Dorothy and Parley SuperWhy.
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.!"
Those are the cutest kids in the cutest costumes. I didn't even know Superwhy existed. Thanks for keeping the Dorothy dream alive :) Love you all, Sher
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