Someone has gained a lot more recently:
And in so gaining, has taken some of mine away.
Now there's controversy for you! Babies taking freedoms away from moms!
What about my soaps?! Suddenly I have to vacuum for crumbs or bugs? Put away razor blades and knives I normally keep on the ground? Freedom isn't free!
Now fight! Fight, I say!
It is so amazing to watch them start to crawl! They can't believe it! They start looking at you as if to say- hello- did you see that? Am I wonderful or what?
Please tell me that Julian is not this big already. My how time flies. He is such a cutie. Say Hi to Hazel from Savannah!
"Freedom Isn't Free! Freedom Isn't Free! You gotta pay the price you gotta sacrifice...for your Liberty"
I learneded that song in 3rd grade!
And Julian is so big, and looks so much like you that I can't stand it and can't wait to see him.
Jayne you make me smile and laugh, and so does Jules! He is going to keep you hopping!("nice hopping"-what's that quote from huh?) As if Parley doesn't already. By the way where is Parley right now? :)Is he on his way down the street going to Dr. Kendall's house to get his Lightning McQueen?
Darling photos of Julien!
(I was going to be anonymous on this controversial topic, but, I'm coming out of the closet on this one!)
What a cutie!
Well, I wasn't going to comment. But isn't that what being a toddler is all about... Being able to be free and roam and learn? Please parents, teach your toddlers to be free and to advance and to stretch their minds and to grow. Anonymous
My thoughts exactly Shan. In fact, I encourage Scarlett to explore electrical sockets. How else is she going to learn. I also tell Deacon that the oven is NOT hot!
Learning on their own is the best education.
don't you have hide that stuff from jed anyway? still no game. this kid looks to have game.
That Shana lady and Lindsey must be democrats, what with all the controversy and encouraging babies to harm themselves. I bet they love the environment and the poor. And they especially HATE guns.
Jayne? I was wondering if I could enlist your Jed's mad skills for a little facelift on my blog? What are his fees?
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