Friday, January 23, 2009

Daddy's Girl

If Jed is busy, you might consider hiring Hazel to do your design work. I'm not sure what her going rate is, but she often cleans her room for a cookie or baby crunch bar, so she probably would consider a tootsie roll (giant please) or a couple of air heads.


Anonymous said...

I want to be her first customer. Would she consider a few hours of coloring with Grandma without her brothers here? I love her work! What a darlin'!

megan said...

Hazel did that?? That is so cool! She really is her daddy's girl. I guess I could afford a couple of tootsie rolls, air heads, and cookies, or candybars...

em kawasaki said...

It's okay. A little amateurish...

Just kidding. You know I am constantly astounded by Hazel's artistic ability, she is a genius. What program is that?

ali said...

is it that easy?

well then, since I've already abused underpaying the overpaid web designer, perhaps I should move onto Hazel where I could also underpay her for her obvious abundant talent!

Heather said...

wow those pictures, WOW! how did you do that?

Brimley Girl said...

Hazel always has been a "nature girl". Love the art.

Anonymous said...

now that girl has game! i've seen some of jed's work. i think he could use her skills at work.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?