Thursday, March 12, 2009

smiley things

I love it when babies turn around backwards to crawl "down" when there is a tiny level change (like from carpet to wood floor). Jules is doing it all the time now. It makes me smile every time.


These pictures taken when I wasn't around:

That ski mask has proven to be a popular item around here.



Nicole said...

I would be smiling too! Actually I am.

Anonymous said...

Oh Man! Have you read "Hooway for Wodney Wat"? In that 3rd photo down, Haze resembles Camilla Capybara.


jayne wells said...

She totally does Stef! Oh my gosh, how funny.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Fun times at your place! I bet we'd have a ball hangin' out!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making my day today! They are so cute! One day when I have kids, I hope you comment on how cute and adorable my kids are! :)

Lindsey said...

Scarlett also treats carpet-to-tile as a step, and nearly every crack in the sidewalk, too!

These kids need to get together...

ali said...

photobooth has provided our family with hours of fun and narcissism.

Anonymous said...

What strange looking children you have!
