Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Conversation with Hazel

(While reading a book about cookies...)

H: Mom, you're not very good at making cookies are you?

Mom: Well,(a little surprised) sometimes I am.

H: But Daddy makes REALLY good cookies.

Mom: Yes, you're right. Daddy makes really good cookies.

If you ask, she'll also tell you that I'm not a good artist. But Daddy's a REALLY good artist.

But Daddy's not nearly as good at playing basketball. Now that's where I shine!


ali said...

kids are so honest. i never knew you were a b-baller! what's your

Leah said...

This made me laugh's ok though...Talmage tells me I'm not the best maker..grandma is, she's also the best player and the best top ramen cooker. I guess we can't be the best at everything! Just wait until she tells you that you've gotten old and asks if she can give you back to Heavenly Father in exchange for a new mommy (yes that has happened to me).

Lance's sister Leah

Anonymous said...

Oh Jayne, that photo is classic Hazel and Parley. I love it! Hazel is also upset that Little Foot's mother told him that "She's too tired and that he will have to find the Big Valley ALL BY HIMSELF!" She told me that in quite a mad voice.
Atticus didn't understand when I told him I WAS TOO TIRED to answer "why?" anymore. He said, "Why Grandma? Why Atticus can't say "why" anymore? Why Grandma doesn't want to talk about "why" anymore? Why Grandma?"
Parley just rolls with everything and says "uh huh" and "ok".

I love how you can always make me laugh, Jayne.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jayne, that photo is classic Hazel and Parley. I love it! Hazel is also upset that Little Foot's mother told him that "She's too tired and that he will have to find the Big Valley ALL BY HIMSELF!" She told me that in quite a mad voice.
Atticus didn't understand when I told him I WAS TOO TIRED to answer "why?" anymore. He said, "Why Grandma? Why Atticus can't say "why" anymore? Why Grandma doesn't want to talk about "why" anymore? Why Grandma?"
Parley just rolls with everything and says "uh huh" and "ok".

I love how you can always make me laugh, Jayne.

jayne wells said...

I just laughed outloud about your comment! Talmage is so great! Hazel cries everytime I come to get her from Grandmas. My mom preps her before I come..."Now your mom is coming, make sure and be nice and say hello."

jayne wells said...

What ISN'T my specialty when it comes to B-ball? :)

em kawasaki said...

Excuse me, but just how bad is Jed at basketball if "Mommy" is better? Or does this phrase not mean anything:

DO WE WANT TO WIN? or do we want to let everyone play?

(for those reading these comments who are unfamiliar with this story, the above comment is what our freshman basketball coach asked the team when we were finally winning our first game after a very long season of losses. Unfortunately for Jayne and I, we were the only one who had yet to play.)

Lindsey said...

Hey Jayne, maybe me and the basketball-under-my-shirt could play you and the basketball-under-your-shirt in a little 2 on 2!? Or would that be 4 on 4?

See you soon!

C. Jane Kendrick said...

WHOOOOOP! There it is!

Katy said...

I think I'm good at basketball

janaya said...

your blog is officially one of my favorite discoveries of the day! :) hey there! congrats on the new baby announcement (long time coming now). love the cookie conversation. burton makes better cookies than me too. hands down. at least that's what i tell him so he'll make them. :) can't wait til i have kids to back me up on that claim.

Unknown said...

My boy told me that he knew that Mom couldn't make a birthday cake without my help. I think he is right...